Friday, June 18, 2010

why women love assholes (part dos)


Be An Asshole

Sometimes in life there are things you have to do even if you don’t want too. This is one of those things. A reality of life is that women don’t want the nice guy. The problem is, most guys at the heart of it, really are nice. Balancing being an asshole every girl wants with being sweet enough to her to keep her from leaving is some tough shit. Here is how you get it done from asshole part 1.

- Make your time precious: When dealing with your woman, you have to give her the impression that every second you dedicate to her is a gift. When you are on the phone, always be the one to end the call. When you are out, be the one to say its time to leave first. Be the master of what time you spend with her and it will make her want to get more out of you. Abruptly ending an evening or a phone conversation will make the girl feel like she is not a top priority and she will fight to be one.

- Always make the plans: Say Friday night is open. She wants the two of you to go dancing with her friends. Do something else….ANYTHING ELSE. Find out where your friends are going and tell her to go have fun with her friends and that you’ll hook up after. She will come with you. Spending time with you is more important than hanging with her friends only if you could care less either way. While you are out with your buddies that night, suggest to them that all of you get together next week to do what she wants. That way she gets to do what she wanted to do…But on your terms baller.

- Do not rush off advances from other women: If you get flirted with don’t chase her off because you have somebody, even if you want too. Be nice, have a small chat, and smile about it. I am not saying flirt back huge, or fuck around. Just be cordial and mildly receptive. This will do an assortment of things. It will make it abundantly clear to her that you are in demand. If she fucks up, you have options. This will keep her on her best behavior. It also makes her feel like she has something that other women want. They love that shit. I mean fucking love it. If you aren’t in high demand from women, make female friends and talk to them on the phone a lot. Make her jealous, but make it appear like its her problem.

- Pick a fight now and then: Girls like getting worked up, and they like getting worked up by you the most. If they spend all day thinking about what a dick you are…that’s OK. Why? Because she is thinking about you. When she approaches you about the problem, act like nothing happened and the whole thing hasn’t even crossed your mind. This will driver her batty. Then you make up with her. Then you have make up sex. Be very careful when doing this though. While women love drama, the never forget. Don’t be stupid enough to get yourself in a hole you can’t get out of. Make the fight last, but make sure its something that she will forget about quick.

- Make her come get you: If she is sitting on one couch, sit on the other one. She wants you to sit and snuggle with her, but is wondering why you would rather sit by yourself. One of two things will happen. She will come over to you, or ask you to come over to her. Going to her is not a mistake. But before you get up, pop out a sigh like getting up is an effort. She will think you don’t want to. Now you have her on the hook. In either circumstance, after 60 seconds goes by, drop her a compliment…and watch her melt. It’s like giving a dog a cookie for playing dead. This applies to holding hands, sitting at a table, so on, and so forth.

-Limit how much you express yourself verbally: If you are telling a girl you love her or she is beautiful over and over again it will lose impact. Besides, expressing yourself exposes you. Someone with strength is guarded and keeps their weaknesses to themselves. If you really care about someone, they can make you feel weak (in a good way). But, women like their men strong. The days of them liking blubbering babies who write them poetry are long over. Contain how much you express to them verbally and they will crave it more and more.

But keep your balance: Despite all this shit, you have to let her know she is still the one by doing nice things for her at the most unexpected times. Be spontaneous so she thinks, “Maybe he does think about me.” This will keep her off balance and second guessing instead of thinking you are just an asshole all of the time. Remember, the goals of everything above is to make her second guess and get frustrated. Not too constantly piss her off.

I have a message to each gender that thinks what I have written today is unnecessary.

Guys: You may be saying to yourself that you don’t want to go down this road to get a girl. All I have to ask you is: How is what you are doing working out for you so far? Because if you’re single, everything you have done to this point has been wrong. You may get a girl being sweet all the time, but you’ll never be that guy she daydreams about or looks at as the one she cant forget about. Girls masturbate thinking about that guy. If you are determined to be a nice guy, I will tip my hat to you. But remember. Being nice doesn’t mean you have a pussy. Be nice, but don’t stop being a guy. You will not respect yourself, or keep a girl if you hand her your dick just because you are crazy about her.

Girls: For every time you have gotten bored with a nice guy or ditched one for an asshole, then talked to the guy you ditched about your problems…This is what you have created. Remember in high school when guys worshiped the ground you walked on? Remember how you broke his heart? That’s how nice guys become players or frat boys. That’s how they become the asshole that you chase. You have created the playing field that players play on. If you don’t want to play games, try treating a nice guy the way they treat you. I guarantee it will grow on you.

Dr Phil is a fuckbag.

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