Thursday, September 15, 2011


For whatever its worth…. if you have someone in your life that you don’t think you can trust or don’t think will ever come around. You’re probably right… they probably won’t. Chances are highly unlikely they will ever ‘get it’.

But ya know…. the good heart in you tries and tries and tries and tries and tries to bear with it and deal with cuz you know the change is right there…. like they MAY ACTUALLY CHANGE! RIGHT?!?!?!

It’s like RIGHT THERE! SOOOOO CLOSE!!! I mean c’mon.. YOU CAN SEE IT… THEY’VE SHOWED YOU SIGNS OF IT! ITS RIGHT THERE!!! It’s like rooting for your favorite team when they are down by 19 fucking million points at the end of the game… but you STILL HAVE FAITH IN THEM!!!! THEY CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!! THEY CAN MAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOT! It’s not gonna happen.

It’s difficult having a good heart….. you get fucked…. you get punked…. and raked over the coals like a hot dog that fell off the grill and was thrown back on when nobody was watching. Then that fucker laughs when you eat the dirty hot dog. That bitch!

But you know what… its all ok! You know why?!?!?!

Cos it’s now when the good stuff is written.

Bring it. Bring it.

Fucking bring it, and keep fucking bringing it.

Cos in the end…. there will be one truth.

And its only time that separates us.


tick fucking tock


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