Sunday, April 3, 2011

a tiny blue dot called earth…

I’m here sitting reading Fox News and what has happened these past two days in Lybia that killed 37 beings and wounded 250, most of them women and children. Call me whatever, but for a leader to have the balls to give orders against his own people is beyond my comprehension.

But in terms of the Earth…. right now shit is pretty out of hand… a lot of bombing and killing going on (of course its been going on forever) but right now its showing signs of potentially getting  worse.

Imagine for a second…. sitting up in space… where there are zillions of stars and planets…. the Earth is like this super insanely tiny minute particle that happens to house humans.  If you were sitting up there and watching that little blue dot (earth) and saw every time a bomb exploded (maybe u see the smoke puff for each explosion), I would have to say that from that perspective, as brilliant as man is, we are pretty selfish in the fact that we think we’re doing ANYTHING good for ourselves.  We are all on the blue dot together, yet if you watched from above you would just see the self destruction of a planet (that we’re so damn lucky to even have a chance to breathe on) destruct itself by people who want to conquer it or prove something to others.  As adults we are no brighter than 5 year old kindergartners arguing on a  playground.  The difference is we are much more sophisticated as adults and can make massive bombs to drop on countries to kill massive amounts of people.

I don’t know…. I don’t have the solutions… but if everyone can for one damn second think of what it must be like to be up in space looking down at this planet blowing the hell out of each other, its pretty senseless.  The relative comparison is families all living in a  building together, yet they blow up different parts of it causing problems with the pipes, the electrical, the structure, the comfort, the place they live in.  But they will destroy the shit out of it for each of themselves just to prove a point, or take a small piece of that building, maybe a room, to say its theirs.  Well what good is taking the room if the building itself is falling apart?  I mean, what can be worth taking the room if the building is unlikely to last?

Is it just built into mankind to self destruct?  I once heard there are 2 living beings that declare war on themselves, ANT and MAN.  Pretty sick.

I don’t know… I just don’t know.

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